Zderzenie osobówek na K8

czwartek, 29.1.2015 10:58 21756 16

W czwartek 29 stycznia około godziny 10.00 doszło do zderzenia samochodów osobowych na drodze krajowej nr 8 za Ząbkowicami na wysokości zjazdu na Grochową.

Godzina 11.30. Droga jest już odblokowana, ruch odbywa się normalnie.

Jak wynika ze wstępnych ustaleń policji, do wypadku doszło, kiedy kierująca seatem, jadąca od strony Grochowej w kierunku K8, nie ustąpiła pierwszeństwa przejazdu i doprowadziła do zderzenia z fiatem.  4 osoby zostały przewiezione do szpitala.

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Komentarze (16)

d dfh hdfgh środa, 11.05.2016 09:26
zxvfszx ds sdgt dfrfdff
awas czwartek, 29.01.2015 17:28
Udało mi się nagrać ten wypadek kamerką zamontowaną w samochodzie! Zobaczcie...
xxxx sobota, 31.01.2015 16:42
kolejny naciągacz podający linka - Serwis DOSTEP jest usługą...
cxv środa, 11.05.2016 09:24
niezla kraksa
sobota, 31.01.2015 17:05
Nawet sms stop dostęp nie pomaga ! Tylko operator tel....
GameDevW środa, 23.08.2017 23:09
Finn Jones makes his first <a href=http://gamedeveloperworld.com/the-w
v2-21b/</a> as Ser Loras Tyrell, the childlike jouster known as "The Knight of Flowers." The casting was limerick of the fundamental to be announced, being confirmed by creator George R. R. Martin in June 2010 after it had been leaked sooner than the acquire was to be signed. The actor had initially been considered for the duty of Jon Snow when the steersman was being filmed. I taste it! It's for all my favorite simulator ready yet. Though there are a few things I crave were scrap of the game. Such as a bosom buddy arrangement, as kindly as a sense to organize an real pack. It would also be great if you could lay out certain players, postulated a valid justification of course. And I improvise it would unquestionably annex to the recreation test if you could consume the animals you've killed and swallow from the streams and rivers. Satiated Survey Loved it at from the start until I realized the whole shebang was scaling up with my smooth out, including which players I was with. I didn't consistent brain the whet, but what's the point of working stony to get stronger when the willing works like this? Completely half-baked, it means gameplay doesn't really change and it doesn't arrange any easier. Had a lot of possibility too. Full Give one's opinion of DragonballTheory 101 May 8, 2017 I like how it works and it's a fill of fun. To make it wiser on the co-op map that should be PVP with up to 4-8 packs battling it out. Alpha is unsociable but Alphas should comprise the ability after 50% more xp per kill. More abilities. Broaden lvl outdo N please vamoose the Dire Wolf an option. Total grand contest more terrain e.g snow, desert would be nice. Rounded out Commentary xXDevilz- LadyXx February 16, 2017 Fully harmony it, it's relaxing, stress free, it helps with my depression. Could go on increase a not many things. Could combine northern hemisphere, forest, fen and so on maps, a option to enumerate, in search alfa, bear a male and female, not a moment ago ditty or the other, the mating, should organize a herself's trusted maturity in a bio or something, who knows if it's a pre-teen or teen your chatting with, and some people do pull down perverted when it comes to this sort of thing, adding friends would be famous, you foregather someone in a stratagem and who knows when you can hunt or vs with them again. Acknowledgement you and care for up the good work. Loud Examine Cortege 26, 2017 Add friendlist if practical so that we can add them, survive in their lobby/map and truckle to with them next time whenever they're back online. Be suitable for something on which we can send them friend request by clicking their renown on the scoreboard. And divert tote up continually rewards/achievement reward/daily ultimatum or something to the game. Desire don't multiplication the several of ads. Deep Re-examine Connor West Ahead crazy, wonderful game. Tease to play, worthy controls, but that isn't why I am writing this review. I made a win of some gems and there was an error as the acquiring happened and I didn't suborn e learn the gems, so far my index card was still charged. I can email you the stub to verify the transaction. I would either like my gems or to attired in b be committed to my purchasing credited subvene yo my account. Either only works. Regardless, festivity amusement! By reason of you so much in advance. Grandest Principal July 5, 2017 The Wolf is ok. Needs alot more content. Like more maps for grinding. Snow, desolate etc. EXP remuneration on constant hours. Unconventional bosses for gang grinding or some territory defense! Each crumble map has a pvp neighbourhood so pvp players can resist in support of a buff compensation on that map! And at anytime that bonus can be challenged in the pvp area at near a different circle notwithstanding that the defending buff holder does not have to respond and can justifiable propound the buff earned for its max then earned. Sustenance it up looking further to seeing it get better. Right Analysis
Agropomoc czwartek, 10.08.2017 12:15
gt; Zeszły rok nie był niesłychanie dogodny dla...
TB czwartek, 29.01.2015 19:28
Linka nie działa.
Edyta piątek, 30.01.2015 11:40
Bardzo proszę o kontakt kierowcę fiata na edyta.leskiewicz@gmail.com, mam do...
jasiek piątek, 30.01.2015 13:01
Kolejna hiena ubezpieczeniowa chce się nażreć na czyimś nieszczęściu. Żeby...
An czwartek, 29.01.2015 21:03
Skad ty mozesz wiedziec że tumany? Pewnie sam jestes debilem...
czwartek, 29.01.2015 22:12
Byłem widziałem ! Pierwsza zasada jak włączasz się do ruchu...
Jędrek czwartek, 29.01.2015 11:36
Zamiast szybko porobić zdjęcia i ściągnąć auta żeby udrożnić drogę...
czwartek, 29.01.2015 11:43
To ogarnij ze najpietw poszkodowani musza dojechac.so szpitala, ktos musi...
Anet czwartek, 29.01.2015 15:01
A te osoby to z Ząbkowic?
czwartek, 29.01.2015 20:46
Tak to nasze tumany